Wednesday 25 January 2012

The creepiest Saturday ever.

I was working on a show at the Skycity theatre in Auckland so I was spending the weekend with my aunt and uncle on the North Shore. I had my phone with me but unfortunately my phone died around 7pm and I had left my charger in Wellington.
I thought "oh well, I know where I'm going, I have a ride home, it's fine"

So I headed home after post-show drinks at aroud 2am.
I was very thankful to the girl giving me a ride, until I realised she couldn't read maps and kept turning left where she should turn right and had gotten us terribly lost despite having dated a guy who lives near my aunt and uncle.
What should've been a 10 minute ride became 35 minutes but eventually I arrived to find the house completely dark.

I remember my aunt being a fairly light sleeper so thought if she's just goe to bed she should hear me knocking. No one answered and after a few minutes I started looking around for an unlocked window, open door, etc.
I went down the drive to the bottom floor of the house to try the door of the room I was staying in.
I saw the door and windows wide open "Oh awesome! They must've left it open for me!"
Walked in the door and suddenly I was in somebody's living room. This was not the door to my room. 
I walked back out, saw MY door and tried it. Locked. All the windows bolted shut. Absolutely no entry point.

I stood contemplating for awhile as to what my next move should be.
It was a warm night, maybe I could just sleep on the door step for a couple hours until someone wakes up.

Or maybe...

There didn't seem to be anyone in the house I had stumbled into... maybe I could just sleep on their couch for a few hours? No one would know...
I used their phone to call my aunt's cell as a last resort but both times she didn't answer.
Stranger's couch it is!

So I pulled a bar napkin and pen out of my bag and wrote the following note:
"I'm staying with my aunty upstairs but I'm locked out. 
I walked in your door by mistake thinking it was mine,
I used your phone to call her but there was no answer.
So I'm just going to sleep on your couch for a few hours.
Sorry for the intrusion."

I put my bags beside me and curled up in the fetal position on their couch.
10 minutes later I suddenly heard light snoring... then deep breathing... then someone talking in their sleep.
At one point I swear I heard someone come into the kitchen, but no, I looked up and it was empty.

This continued for the next 3 hours. I got comfortable, started to doze off, heard a noise from the bedroom, shat myself a little bit, the noise would stop, I'd get comfortable....
At one point I maaged to drift off because I had dreams. The first was of an old man finding me on his couch and me having to explain. The second was of a young couple finding me and having to explain again.

I suddenly woke up and noticed it was becoming lighter outside. I checked the clock on the phone which told me it was just after 630 am so I thought I should leave before anyone in the house woke up.
I walked back up the drive and around to my aunt and uncle's front door, knocked, my uncle opened the door and said 
"Didn't you get my txt? There's a key under the mat!"


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