Friday 18 November 2011

Crap my family says

Poppa on my great aunt's shaved chihuahua "It looks like... what's that animation?"
Dad "Ren and stimpy?"
Poppa "The old one... With the head coming out?"
Dad and I clueless
Poppa "E.T!"

Dad on the drive out to my place:
"Hang your fur coat up or the cat will try to have sex with it."
Me-"aww, he a tiny white rapist"
Dad- "Like that guy KJ52,he says something like that..."
Me- "'s white rapper Dad. He's a rapper not a rapist"
Dad- "Well I was almost right."

On a family road trip my cousin and I were singing along to "Big Spender"
The minute you walked iiiin the joint *bumbum* I could tell you were a man of distinction"
Cousin "A real good hooker! wait... hooker? is it hooker?"

Me "Careful with that cup,you're about to spill ice on my head!"
My brother "Well, in physics I learned that heat rises so if I turn this cup upside down, the ice wont fall out!"

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Letters to things

Dear Hairbrush,
Where the hell are you? I've gone through 4 of your kin this year because you keep disappearing. Have you been stolen by my flatmate? Did you elope with my usb?
Please come home. My hair is messy.

Dear Doorframes,
why the hell do you jump out and attack me when I'm just trying to walk past?
I didn't do anything to provoke this. I think you must be in cahoots with the doorknob, judging by how often it smacks me in the shoulder.
Please stop, you're only hurting yourself.

Dear Headphones. (cc: laptop charger)
What the hell guys? I place you on the floor beside my bed each night and awake in the morning to find you in the middle of what must, for you, be an intimate amorous embrace. Cut that out.
It's just not right. Also it's really inconvenient and confusing for me.
If you don't change your ways I will separate you.

Dear Bed,
You're awesome. Don't change a thing.

To all,
From Jepha.

Monday 7 November 2011

Hello, I'm a post.

So this blog is the culmination of many things.
Me wanting a place to ramble
Me planning an awesome post to go on my old blog:
Me forgetting the password & email address for said blog
Me then having nowhere to put that post

So by the time it took me to accept I had lost my old blog and set up this new one, it became a time of night I like to refer to as "sweet mercy it's late I have work tomorrow what am I doing" o'clock. Also my N key doesn't work so great, so I can't be arsed writing the post I had planned tonight.

Maybe tomorrow.

Welcome to my blog.